Once upon a time, in the enchanted realm of The MUTIARA Bangle, a tale unfolded woven with the power of four pearls, an angelic symbol of stability and divine guidance. Artisan-crafted, MUTIARA, meaning "pearl" in Indonesian, resonates with the healing essence of pearls adorning this magical bangle. Each pearl, a whisper of tranquility and balance, as the number four weaves its protective spell. Embrace this fairytale adornment, where craftsmanship meets celestial symbolism, bringing harmony and grace to those who wear the mystical MUTIARA Bangle.
The World Of INDAH’s designs are composed of recycled metals featuring precious gemstones, and they are all dipped in 24k gold or genuine silver. Through the use of ancient techniques & traditional tools, our goal is to share this fascinating culture and ritual with the world. Each piece is carefully designed by Coco Effendi with the intention to empower you, balance your chakras, and to help you align with your higher self. The World Of INDAH's enchanting creations undergo a sacred traditional Indonesian ceremony, bestowing upon the wearer blessings of abundance and positive energy.
- CRYSTAL TYPE: Natural Pearl
- CRYSTAL SIZE: 9 - 10 mm
- Diameter: 6.5 cm base size (Please note our Bangles & Bracelets are flexible and can be adjusted to fit any arm size)
- Length Size: 16 cm
The World Of INDAH is honoured to provide you with uniquely handcrafted designs by our talented team of artisans who are located in a small village in Indonesia. The location of our factory allows our artisans to provide for their families while still being close to home. INDAH’s designs are composed of recycled metals featuring precious gemstones, and they are all dipped in 24k gold or genuine silver. Through the use of ancient techniques & traditional tools, our goal is to share this fascinating culture and ritual with the world. Each piece is carefully designed by Coco Effendi with the intention to empower you, balance your chakras, and to help you align with your higher self. Our designs are blessed in a traditional Indonesian ceremony to bring the wearer blessings of abundance and positive energy.
At The World of INDAH, we are devoted to excellence and empowerment, crafting jewelry that embodies beauty, integrity, and sustainability. Each piece is enriched with thick, lasting gold plating and created from recycled materials to honor the Earth. We source 100% natural gemstones responsibly, upholding ethical standards that respect both people and nature. For your peace of mind, each piece comes with a warranty, a testament to the timeless quality we strive to deliver.
- Free shipping over $250 USD
- Handcrafted from certified recycled metals
- Protective e-coating to last for years
- 1 year warranty
- Free velvet pouch and gift wrapping with each order