Vanity Teen: Never Apart
Ekaterina Belinskaya @avine_ presents Never Apart, a fashion editorial, exclusively created for Vanity Teen online with an amazing team and the models Ashley Strohlein @ashleystrohlein represented by Genetics Model Management @geneticsmgmt and Kendall-Lee Morrison @kendallvenum represented by VNY Models @vnymodels
The World Of INDAH @theworldofindah
MONZLAPUR @monzlapur.ny
Jamemme @jamemme
Labentiné @Labentine
LUCKYNELLY @luckynelly_berlin
Slate Jewelry @slatejewelry
Coast Clothing Co. @coastclothingcompany
Rora Clothing @roraclothing
Diana Klisaris @dianaklisaris
Sofia Tsereteli @sofia.tsereteli.official
2madison Avenue @2madisonAvenue
Canella Brand Shoes @canella_brandshoes
Rafinad @rafinadshop_usa
Jennifer Younger @jenniferyoungerdesigns
Exordia @exordia.boutique
Valiente New York @valiente.nyc
The Tailory New York @thetailorynyc
ELENA RUDENKO @elenarudenko_official
JILL.HERLANDS @jill.herlands
Per Fidem @perfidemleather
BOOKER @booker_la
Ears of Buddha @earsofbuddha
SOLOMEINA @solomeinajewelry
SSY Designs @ssy_designs
Mother Metal @mother_metal
Elmadawy New York @elmadawynewyork
Blondish @blondishofficial